Friday, August 13, 2010

Today's Art Therapy Assignment: Finding Your Strength

I am preparing to test for my first Dan Black-Belt in mixed martial arts. In preparation, I have been breathing, meditating and visualizing. I am calling on my internal strength. I know it is there, even when I feel weak. I also know that I can re-build it by keeping it clean and positive and by connecting with the universal chi.

Today's assignment: Finding Your Strength

1. Close your eyes and take in some deep cleaning breaths. Imagine the breath coming in as pure white, and the breath you exhale as grey. Imagine your insides being cleansed with positive energy each time you inhale, and released of negative energy each time you exhale. Continue deep breathing until the exhaled breath is as white as the inhaled breath.
2. Now picture your internal chi (energy). What does it look like? What color and shape is it? Where in your body is it located?
3. Draw your chi

Write to me with your results.

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