Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 9: Treasure Chest

So I was in the Chicago area for 6 days, and that is why I am currently playing catch up with the blog posts.  I promise that I DID draw every day, but I just was not able to post.  This was done on Saturday, April 28, 2012.

I was staying with my sister, Kim, who is a PhD.  She asked me to come into her class at The Chicago School ( a Professional School of Psychology), and be a guest lecturer.  She was teaching a class on Conflict Resolution, and she wanted me to have her class learn/do some art interventions.  It was the last class of the semester, and I decided to have each of them share some treasure that they gained from the class and from each other.  It was a really nice way to create closure.

I am going to be coming on to The Chicago School as an adjunct professor in their "Blended Program".  That means that most of the classes are online, and we will only meet face to face twice.  I love teaching, and I am excited about a new endeavor in my life.  Plus, more trips to Chicago - not bad.

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