Friday, April 20, 2012

New Art Therapy Challenge!!

I like to always challenge myself.

Each month I go to and create a challenge to run a fixed number or miles in a certain amount of weeks. Currently I am running 30 miles by 5-2-2012.

Over a year ago I bought a brand new box of "64 Crayola Crayons", and I gave myself a challenge to do a drawing every day for 64 consecutive days. See older blog posts. In retrospect, it was a lot of fun, but in reality, some days it was frustrating and annoying.  But just because something is frustrating and annoying does mean we should not accept the challenge.

When we tell people about our personal goals and challenges, we are more likely to follow through. This is me telling you.

So, here is my new challenge...

I have discovered a new iPad drawing app called "Paper", and I love it!  I will create and post one drawing per day until the end of my daughters' high school school year - June 12, 2012.  That is exactly 54 days from today.

 Follow me on this journey....

Here is my first drawing done on my iPad with the "Paper" app.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful idea :)

archie said...

is this a cat not paying attention to you :)

I have a friend, and he and his wife have a pack that they make a funny/goofy face every night in bed before they go to sleep. Like you daily drawings, I would have some difficult nights with that.