Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Hey #friends! I am proud to say that today we completed our first #sketchbook. Thank you to all the #artists and #followers. I've been saying that this project is to engage with strangers and bring them joy, but the truth is that I feel great after each encounter. I dread walking up to strangers, but I love the thrill that comes with each new connection. #psychology #sociology #itfeelsgreat #joy #connection #dread #itsathrill #thankyou #phasetwo #art #arttherapy #spreadthejoy #engagewithstrangers @instapicframeapp

via Instagram http://instagram.com/p/jLWmnjFH0l/

Niki insists that she can not draw. She agreed to draw just one green #scribble. She talked about #Buddhism, #spirituality and #Kabbalah. "What do you believe that you were put in this world to do?" "I really want to work with people trying to beat their #addictions." "I just started a new job as a clinical director at a #soberliving house and #TreatmentCenter. You could volunteer with us." "Wow. All that from a green scribble." #nothingisrandom #volunteer #newjob #drawing #art #arttherapy #treatment ActiveRecoverySolutions.com

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1gH5t5Z

Josie holds up three fingers and tells me she is four years old. "One time I saw this bear at the zoo because my grampa took me to see him and at first I couldn't see him and my grampa kept pointing and saying over there and I would say where and he would say right there and finally I saw the bear and I said oh." "Did you draw the bear?" "No! Silly, I drew you. " #childsdrawing #idrewyou #arttherapy #art #drawing #zoo #therapy

via Instagram http://instagram.com/p/jJ5c0YFH1U/