Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"I want to be an Art Therapist too. I feel like I am looking at the future me." -Karen, came to my office for an informational interview. To see if Art Therapy is an actual thing." (it is!) #art #arttherapy #drawing #futureme #selfie

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1fgMtt7

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I took a workshop you gave on Art Therapy & grief a few years back and I thought the same thing! Here's a glimpse at the then future me: I have since gone back to school, got a masters in MFT/Art Therapy and am now leading grief groups for middle school kids and using art to help seniors in the early stages of cognitive impairment. Just thought I'd pop in and say thank you for being a great inspiration!

Jessica E.