Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 15: Sepia

Super Bowl Sunday.  This drawing pretty much speaks for itself.  Although we are not a big sports family here at the Hayes house, we do tend to watch the Super Bowl and the World Series.  I feel I did my patriotic part by watching the first half hour and the last 3 minutes (I missed the Black Eyed Peas at halftime).  In between my daughter and I went to the movies to see "The Fighter".

Today was simple and uncomplicated (catching up on paperwork, laundry, grocery shopping and a movie).  The drawing is simple and uncomplicated.

Now that I look at it again, I see that there are a lot of partial circles. Could be because I am working on several projects right now, and none of them seem to be completed.  That does not seem to ring true for me.

Maybe they are like Venn diagrams.  With different parts of my life overlapping. THAT'S IT!  Today I got a Facebook friend request from Rick, a middle school / high school boyfriend.  I started thinking about the last time I saw him (summer of 1987).  I was living in Boston with Dave, a later high school boyfriend. It had been a few years since I had seen Rick, when he walked into a one-hour photo store I was working at on Boylston St.  (Where I worked just down the street from my current husband, but did not even know him at that time). Dave and my husband, Michael, both went to Berklee College of Music, but they did not really know each other. Rick and I spent a lot of time together that summer, as friends, because Dave was not around much. I found out later that he was cheating on me. During the summer of '87 Dave was cheating on me with a girl that Michael had previously been on a date with.  To make matters even stranger, before Rick dated me in high school, he dated my cousin, Susan, who I am going on a cruise with next week. There is a complicated Venn diagram for you.

See! Art is so revealing of our current state of mind.  In fact, never simple and uncomplicated.

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