Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 37: Green Yellow

The other night as I was laying in bed (couldn't sleep) I realized that I can draw with one crayon on multiple surfaces!  It seems so simple, but it was a revelation to me.  That opens up all types of possibilities...

For this drawing I have taken three different colors of construction paper, and ripped and layered them prior to drawing.  The "Green Yellow" color looks so distinctively altered from one colored paper to another.

I was really tired when I realized that I had not drawn yet. I thought about putting it off and doing two tomorrow.  But I was also excited about doing the multiple layered colored paper, so I decided to rally some energy and just do it.  For me, making art is just like exercise... Sometimes I really do NOT feel up to doing it, but I ALWAYS feel better after.  Even if I am not pleased with the final result.  This project became more about the process, because what came out is sort of boring.  I liked the ripping and the gluing, and even drawing on the softer paper that was slightly wet from the glue was pleasant.  It was dark in the room, so I could not see the colors well, so what I see now, in the light, is a little more exciting than I thought at first.

This final product seems a little elementary - simple and child-like.  Maybe because the materials are so kindergarten (construction paper and crayons), I had a regression to a more simple me.

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