Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 47: Raw Sienna

I spent nine hours at LA County History Day in Azusa, CA, because younger daughter did a great project on "Roe v. Wade".  It was a long but exciting day.  I did this drawing as I was spending those many hours.  I was inspired by someone's "Whole Foods" bag with healthy  hearts.

I was feeling the love today.  Met some new people that I spent many many many hours with.  I am constantly amazed by people.  I tend to judge people by their looks, how they present themselves to the world.  I believe many people judge others by their looks, but most won't cop to that.  I hate admitting that out loud, but that is what this blog is all about - being honest and saying things out to the world that may reveal the secret that I am not perfect.  Oh no, the truth is out, I have flaws! Anyhow, I was saying that I am often surprised by who people really are and what struggles have brought them to where/who they are today.

1 comment:

Samir Dekhici said...

I loved that piece...god bless you :)