Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 62: Cerulean

This morning I was watching "CBS Sunday Morning".  You know how they always have the elaborately drawn sun between segments?  I was inspired, and I told myself that when I sit down to draw later today I will draw a really cool sun.  That was at 9am.

After an hour and a half of MMA class, grocery shopping, a shower, straightening up the house, seeing "Limitless" with my friend Justine (the movie was awesome BTW), then picking up Indian food for dinner, and sending out an email to try to find parent volunteers for an event at our middle school, I finally sat down to draw at 8pm.

I still intended to draw a sun.  I even Google imaged "CBS Sunday Morning suns". Somehow, my sun started out as a moon, than stars, than what looks much more like an octopus than a sun.

So, what's going on?  Well, for starters, it IS night time - so the moon makes sense.  The three stars? I am thinking those exist because it was just me and the daughters for dinner tonight.  I really want to try to reconnect with them.  Older daughter asked me today, when she drove me to pick up the Indian food, "Are you mad at me?"  I wasn't.  She said, "You seem like you are mad at me." I was actually in a good mood, so I was surprised.  Than she added, "Well, I know you hate younger daughter, and I think sometimes you hate me too."

We were not even fighting.  This makes me sad.  I am hard on younger daughter.  She can be lazy and easily distracted, so I am redirecting her more often than her sister.  I guess I need to lighten up a little.  This is the type of thing that future therapy session will focus on.

How about the octopus?  Sometimes I feel like I am doing so many things that I need eight arms to get it all done.  I think that the octopus is a fascinating creature.  It is better at camouflaging itself than a chameleon.  (check out this youtube video of the octopus  Maybe the sun became more of an octopus because of the color - Cerulean.  Its a blueish under water color.

 I just looked up "cerulean" and Wikipeadia says it is "derives from caelulum, diminutive of caelum, "heaven, sky". Interesting that I made a sun/moon/stars image with THIS color. There is something to be said for Carl Jung's idea of the collective unconscious.  There are things that we know without knowing.

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