Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 54: Wisteria

After I removed all the wrapper from this crayon, I placed it on its side and started swinging it around to make the circular shapes.  It takes quite a bit of muscle to press the crayon length-wise to make it dark enough.

Once I completed the drawing, I realized that a "wisteria" IS a flower.  I had looked at the name, but I was not consciously thinking that I should draw a flower (like on "Granny Smith Apple" day, where I specifically wanted to draw an apple).

I do an Art Therapy technique titled the "The Rosebush", where I direct my clients to visualize a rosebush.  I ask, Where does it lives? Who takes care of it? Does it have thorns? ... and many other questions.  This becomes a metaphor for the self - as all art ultimately is.  So, what does this rose drawing say about me?

It does have thorns.  I can be a little prickly at times, but most people do not know that about me unless they get close enough to see those thorns.  The rose is strongly rooted into the ground.  I feel that I am pretty stable and rooted.  We only see half the flower, though.  Am I trying to hide something?  I don't really think so.  What else could it be?  There is a lot more to my life that I have yet to see - the whole picture had yet to be revealed.  I guess we never get to see the whole picture until the very end.  And we may or may not be totally cognizant at that age/time to understand.

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