Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 38: Salmon

I did this at work, while waiting for a new client.  I was copying the rug in my office.  Don't like the rug so much - don't really dislike it either, but it's not my favorite.  (My officemate bought it). I do spend a great deal of time looking at the intricate patterns on this rug.  I do like the way the lines and shapes intertwine.  I could not really get the detail with a crayon.  Frustrated.

My oldest daughter is turning 16 on Saturday.  I've been thinking about this a lot.  She has become such a wonderful woman (I'm sure every mother says that).  How is she the same tiny baby I held in the white rocking chair?...Sunrise, Sunset....  Our lives are intertwined like this pattern, and its imprecise and nowhere near as clean or detailed as I'd like it. Frustrated.

My younger daughter asked me yesterday how I would describe her with one word, and Cydney would definitely be "Intense". She feels everything very intensely - love, frustration, anger and humor.  Than she asked what one word I would use to describe myself.  That's hard.  I came up with "Clarity".  I like things to be clear and obvious, neat and clean.  Maybe that is why I am frustrated a lot.  I'm working on it.  My husband would probably say that I am anything BUT clear.  he would more likely describe me as vague and indecisive.  

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