Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 45: Gold

So I thought about the color "Gold" and what that means.  The first thing that came to mind was gold rings.  Which is funny because I have NO gold rings - even my wedding ring is white gold.  Maybe my hubby needs to buy me more gold.  Hint, hint...

So, I drew the outline of my hand, and that reminded me of an art project that I sometimes do with my clients.  I have them outline their hand and decorate it in any way that they want.  I chose to draw a random scribbles and than deign each section with a different pattern.  Maybe I am feeling many patterned or complicated today.  It doesn't feel chaotic, just busy.  Yes.  That's it. I certainly HAVE felt busy this week.  Lots going on at daughters' schools that I had to attend to. Consequently, I have felt that nothing else has been fully accomplished - like cleaning the house, returning phone calls and emails or writing my session notes.  A little scattered now.

This would make a really cool glove. Don't you think?

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